Monday 18 October 2010

Line to Surface: Take 2

I decided to take a look at my topology again to see where I was going wrong and why I was having problems dragging the vertices out. The first thing I noticed was some of my vertices had not been weld together which was causing me problems as the image showed bare skin when I moved them out. So the first thing to do was to make sure all the edges had been weld together.

I then used the 'Cut' tool in 'Edit Geometry' as I found that I had created a few pentagons so these needed to be changed. By high lighting over each edge and draging it out into each corner vertice I was able to cut the pentagons into four sided shapes. I found this tool very useful and would definately use it again as it made the process a lot easier than having to delete the entire shape and start again.

After I had sorted out my topology I then decided to try again moving the vertices over lining them up looking at the front view of my face. Once I had grasped the concept of how to do it, it was a case of following the lines down my face and selecting the 'X' axis. They starting point was my eye and I worked my way down my face pulling them across. Once key features were defined I was able to visulise where ther vertices needed to be pulled to, thus making the process a lot easier.

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