Wednesday 29 September 2010

Topology Lines

The second video looked at topology of the face. By creating a new layer I had to draw over my wrinkles and protrusions of my face isolating all the key areas. For example around my eyes, eyebrow, forehead, mouth and nose. This was to highlight the key areas of my face.

I then created another layer to trace over some of the original lines I had already drawn and created quads which would allow me to smooth the face when I sub divide it. This would reduce pinching in the surface which is very difficult to get rid off and would also give more flexibility to the face.

I found this quite difficult because sometimes with out realising I found I had created triangles in my face so had to erase them and draw the lines again so they equaled quads.

I then opened 3D Max and followed the tutorial. I found this tutorial quite straight foward and easy to follow it was basically setting up the image in 3D Max so it was in the right views for later tutorials.

I then had to draw the topology by drawing each one of the quads to convert them into a mesh which would fit to my profile. I created lines and matched them up to close the splines. I did however find that I had missed some of the quads out when I created the mesh, so needed to go back and change this.

Week 1

To begin I had my photo taken against white back ground which I would use to model my own head in 3D Max.

After this I used my photo to follow the first tutorials. The first tutorial was in Adobe Photoshop, which I found pretty straight foward and easy to follow. I know I may struggle once the tutorials move to 3D Max but I will deal with those problems when they arise!

I was quite lucky when lining up my face because I had to make sure my key features such as my eyes, nose and ears lined up.

Intro To Brief

My initial thought to this module........ wow this is going to be difficult!!

My previous experience with 3D Max has not been great and I still feel that I am not 100% comfortable with the software but I have had a look at the tutorials and they seem to teach at a reasonable pace, one that I will be able to follow. I am however looking forward to the challenge set and I may surprise myself with my finished head in 3D.